

XXI Century Art

Release Date:









The Door Number 9 is a third-person stealth survival horror set in 1950s thrillers with pulp art style.

Leonard, a retired climber in a wheelchair due to a terminal illness, becomes trapped in a dark plot within the isolated building where he chose to spend his final days in peace. With the help of his neighbor, a deaf-mute girl, and his old climbing ropes they will craft a secret escape plan where exploration, resource management and action come together in a non-linear and day-based stealth survival horror game.


Leonard is a retired climber in a wheelchair, whose life took a drastic turn when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Seeking peace in his final days, he chose to move to a peaceful and isolated building on the outskirts. However, he soon discovers a dark secret hidden within, unintentionally becoming a witness to it. Alongside his 9-year-old little deaf-mute neighbor, Alice, and his loyal dog, Leonard must craft an escape plan to save the remaining neighbors before it's too late. Utilizing his trusted old companion, his climbing rope, to navigate the partly ruined building and evade the relentless pursuers determined to silence him at any cost.


  • Versatile rope system: climb, cut, or knot your ropes and adapt your enviromnent to overcome the ruined building.
  • Make the building's neighbors allies or foes based on your decisions.
  • No manual save or load. The game is constantly saving your progress, so choose your decisions wisely.
  • Stamina/Oxygen system. Return to Leonard's safe apartment to recharge it.

Promotional Art

download files as The Door Number 9_Promotional Art.zip (1,54 MB)

Concept Art

download files as The Door Number 9_Concept Art.zip (4,20 MB)


download files as The Door Number 9 - Screenshots.zip (1 MB)



download file as The Door Number 9_Logo.zip (651 KB)


Rocío Vega
Producer, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, Sound Designer

Enrique de Borja
Art Director, 2D Artist, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, Composer

Adrián Carmona
3D Artist, 3D Animator

Sergio González
Senior 3D Animator, Game Designer

Kraken Empire
Programming and Technical Support